In order to gain a full understanding of how you are performing in your new job, the best way to find out is through your first performance review with your new manager. To ensure you are well-prepared for this important meeting, here are a few tips to help you get ready.
Learn the process: Every company is likely to have a different approach to performance reviews, so make sure you are familiar with the specific processes used at your organization. You should investigate how your performance will be assessed, what documents and reports you need to have ready, and who will be present at the meeting.
Think back: Before the review, take some time to reflect on the past six months. Consider how the role has been different from what you expected, the tasks you have enjoyed and struggled with, any changes or responsibilities that have come up, how you have progressed with your goals, and any other achievements.
Communicate your ambitions: Your first performance review isn't just a review of your progress so far, but also a chance to discuss your future ambitions. Think about what you would like to have accomplished in the next six months, and what steps you need to take to reach those goals. Feel free to ask your manager for guidance and advice.
Be prepared: Make sure you are ready to answer questions from your manager, and be open and honest about your experiences and feedback. Listen attentively to their comments and take notes on what you can improve, as well as what you are doing well.
Keep in touch: After the meeting, send a summary email to your manager and make sure you are both on the same page. Check in regularly with your manager to discuss your career progress and to ensure you are on the right track towards achieving your goals.