If you have recently been made redundant, you may find yourself in uncertain new terrain. Once the initial shock subsides and your thoughts turn to your next job search, you may also wonder how to best address your redundancy on your CV and in future job interviews.
It is important to remember that there is no stigma related to redundancy. Redundancy is due to commercial reasons and is no reflection on you, your skills, or your value, so there really is no need to be afraid of communicating it clearly on your CV and in a job interview.
With this in mind, here are some ways to acknowledge your redundancy as you search for a new role.
The best way to explain your redundancy on your CV
Include the start and end dates of your previous employment. It’s vital to be transparent about your redundancy - you won’t want to give the impression of trying to conceal anything and cause the employer any confusion or suspicion.
Explain how your employment ended in the context of the broader organisational or economic changes. Keep it short, for example, “My role was made redundant due to the impact of COVID-19.” Or a “downturn in business” This will help prospective employers understand the broader circumstances surrounding your redundancy while saving vital space for selling your skills and experience.
Focus on the positives, such as recent accomplishments in your previous role or any projects you worked on that you are proud of. Mention anything you have done since you were made redundant that is productive and relevant to your target job, such as upskilling. If you have participated any voluntary roles, add this to the work experience section – making sure you focus on your achievements in the role to boost your marketability to employers.
How to discuss your redundancy in a job interview
It’s likely that the subject of your redundancy will be raised in an interview, so here are some pointers to help you feel prepared:
Take your opportunity to explain the wider situation. Be prepared to elaborate on your organisation’s situation and challenges that led to your/ your dept/ you teams’ redundancy.
Express pride in your last role, and successes within that role. Your accomplishments in your last job are no less valid due to your redundancy, so cite your achievements with confidence and back them up with quantifiable results.
Keep things positive. Any reference to the manager or organisation that made you redundant should be in the context of being thankful for your time, learning, and your achievements with them. Also explain how – while you were disappointed to leave – you immediately turned your attentions to refocusing your career goals and identifying your next steps.
Explain what benefits have been gained from your redundancy. Any skills gained, webinars attended or books about your industry read. Include any voluntary or charity work taken. Focus on the positive ways that you have spent your time, and why this makes you an even stronger candidate for this role.
You don’t want the interviewer to think you are simply applying for any role that will get you back into the workplace as quickly as possible, so explain why it’s this specific role that you’re interested in, why it would be the logical next job for you, why you are the right choice for them.
If you’re considering your next step, get in contact with one of our expert recruitment consultants for a confidential chat.
